The grandest teaching of Christ was not that you shall have everlasting life -- but that you do; not that you shall have brotherhood in God, but that you do;not that you shall have whatever you request, but that you do.
All that is required is to know this. For you are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way for you than that way in which you think it will -- Neale Donald Walsch, Conversation with God
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -- Walt Disney
You don't have to take the bad with the good. Why include the bad in the vibration? Only include the good in the vibration, and then only the good can come to you. -- Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks
All that is required is to know this. For you are the creator of your reality, and life can show up no other way for you than that way in which you think it will -- Neale Donald Walsch, Conversation with God
Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious... And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -- Walt Disney
You don't have to take the bad with the good. Why include the bad in the vibration? Only include the good in the vibration, and then only the good can come to you. -- Abraham, Esther and Jerry Hicks