It has nothing to do with ability, talent, brains, or anything else.
-- Fred Alan Wolf
Do you have strong and clear definitions for what is acceptable and what is not? Where have these rules come from? What’s the purpose of these judgments? What dothey protect? Can we explore new territory for ourselves and others by allowing and even welcoming spontaneity, exuberance and surprises? "The idea that men are created free and equal is both true and misleading: menare created different; they lose their social freedom and their individual autonomy in seeking to become like each other." -- David Riesman
Sometimes we repeat the Inner Journey messages in the series. Please guard against saying, "I’ve seen this one -- I don’t need to read it again." The truth is: we are always changing. Who you are now is different from who you were when you read the message the first time. The circumstances of your lifehave changed as well. As a result, you may be open to new perspectives this time around. Our ego is prone to think it knows it all, but life always offers us fresh andnew experiences. "It all depends on how we look at things and not on how they are in themselves." -- C.G. Jung
Start building the awareness habit: STOP and PAY ATTENTION. Set an intention to become aware of how you automatically react to different things in your life. For example, how do you react to the alarm clock, the shower, traffic, workcolleagues and situations, your partner or children? How do you react to anger or fear in someone else? How do you react to your own anger or fear? Become a witness to your own life. Pay attention to how you do things. “What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.” -- Abraham H. Maslow
How do you label yourself? How do you label others? Be aware that any label is limiting. Labels stick us in a box where there’s noroom to move. Today, experience how it feels to let go of the labels to rest in ‘I am.’ Feel the freedom, the spaciousness, the infinite potential of simply being. "As long as I am this or that, I am not all things." -- Meister Eckhart
What passes over your lips each day? Are your words typically negative, critical, gossiping, deceptive, illusory, justifying, blaming, manipulative and argumentative? Are they more uplifting,inspirational, positive, questioning, beautiful, loving, universal, truthful,accepting and supportive? The throat is our center of expression. Who we are sneaks out in our attitudes and in what we say. "Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs." -- Pearl Strachan
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